Cloth Donation

Many of India’s poor and needy lack sufficient clothing. We believe that providing needy people with a pair of clothes is the same as dressing them with self-respect. With the same aim, we at Paramveer Charitable Trust distribute usable clothes to underprivileged kids, women, and men of all ages.
We will take your used clothes off your hands and put them to good use. Our team helps you contribute to the needy's development and happiness. We aim to cover India's rural areas that require basic needs like food and clothing. So instead of keeping the old garments or throwing them away, give them to us because what is trash for you could be a great joy for the less fortunate. Contact our team for tangible and transparent information when you donate your clothing.

Charity For Household

Working With US by helping & donation

“There is no better exercise for your heart than reaching down and helping to lift someone up"