Food Donation

Food Donation

To make progress in a country like India, we need to decrease the % of the undernourished population. Such hungry people need our undivided attention, and we need to nourish them to make a healthy and happy India. Paramveer Charitable Trust is a non-profit charity organization that strives to eliminate people's hunger by providing basic food to them.
We always welcome food donations and ensure we use them to help people in crisis. The best thing about donating with us is that it is relatively easy. You can donate your cash or for food items, and you don’t have to worry about food waste as it is stored safely in warehouses until needed. If you’re in the mood for a food donation, consider Paramveer Charitable Trust.

Charity For Household

Working With US by helping & donation

“There is no better exercise for your heart than reaching down and helping to lift someone up"